Do you ever think about Jesus’ mother? Her courage, grace, strength—her faith.
Mary is one of the many people I look forward to meeting in eternity.
Before the Holy Spirit lived inside us all, she housed the Lord inside her womb—growing the baby Savior in secret.
I picture her face as He took His first steps—bright eyes beaming with joy and pride at her diapered baby boy’s wobbly achievement.
She knew His favorite meal and His preferred reading spot. She washed His clothes and coddled Him when He was sick.
She and Joseph were in attendance for all His awkward stages; they watched him grow—from baby to toddler to child to teen to man to Savior.
I think about the faith of a quiet girl, turned mother of God. Tweet This
Mary’s Creator, somehow now younger than she. The Mystery of it all.
A mind can barely hold the miracle–the glory–of Heaven’s Boy.
One day.
One day, we’ll know as we’re known.
We’ll sit at a welcome feast among nations of believers—the Lamb our connection, our link, our bond.
Merry CHRISTmas, friend. May the Savior’s presence be ever-real to you in this season of His birth.
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I was thinking about this very thing on Sunday. Beautiful words, my friend! Merry Christmas to you and your family! May your celebration of our Savior’s birth be filled with love, joy, and peace!
Wishing you and your family a beautiful celebration of Jesus, as well, friend. Merry, merry CHRISTmas!
It is amazing to think about Mary’s faith and how wonderful yet how difficult her calling was. I love that song- I shared it in my post this week too! Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas!
Yes. Amen, Lesley. What a difficult “calling.” Such a woman of faith. — Hope you have a lovely Christmas as well, friend. xoxo
Beautiful sentiments, Brenda. Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you, too, friend. xoxo
Yes! I wonder about so many things, especially Mary. I know it was Jesus in her womb, but do you think she still had morning sickness? labor pains? Do you think she struggled? I wonder so many things that probably aren’t important, but keep my mind spinning nonetheless!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Oh, Becky, a girl after my own heart — curiosity is fun, right? 🙂 Love that we share that, friend. Merry, merry CHRISTmas to you and your family, too. xoxo
A young woman played a beautiful piano solo in our morning service last Sunday — Mary Did You Know. And as I watched and listened, I couldn’t help but think that this sweet young thing whom I’ve known since diapers is likely older than Mary was when she had Jesus. What an incredible story God gave us in His chosen method for sending a Savior into this world!
I love that song, too, Michele. — He’s one for the “incredible” stories, isn’t He? — May your family have a beautiful Christmas, celebrating the Writer of the most incredible story of all. xoxo
Merry Christmas, friend, it is all wonder – and it is all LOVE!
All wonder, and all love. Amen, friend. Merry Christmas!
I love thinking about Mary. Thank you for sharing. I too can’t wait to meet her. Merry Christmas!
I’m thinking we may have to stand in line to meet her, friend. 🙂 Hope we’re in line beside each other. — Merriest of Christmases to you, Maree. xoxo
Merry CHRISTmas to you, Brenda. Praise God for coming to our community through His chosen vessel.
Merry Christmas to you too, Charla. Hope you’re having a wonderful season and healing up well. xoxo
Love this reflection on what Mary must have been thinking….love the song “Breath of Heaven”…..hard to wrap our minds around!!
May you and yours have a blessed and joyous Christmas!
Love you friend,
Bev xoxo
May you and yours do exactly the same, Bev. — Wishing you a beautiful Christmas, friend. xoxo
I often think of dear Mary, too, and I dearly love the song you shared. 17 years ago, I was expecting our own sweet baby boy at this time of year, and Mary was on my mind and heart so much as I would listen to this song. I was in labor on Christmas Day, and our son was born the very next morning…so we celebrate his birthday the day after we celebrate Jesus’ birthday! God is SO good! Thank you for this sweet post and for the kind comments you leave on my blog and your weekly link-up. May God bless you richly this Christmas!
Happy (almost) birthday to your baby boy, too, Cheryl. — Every Christmas that I was pregnant I thought more about Mary and her experience, as well. Hope you have a wonderful week of celebrations. Continued prayers for LD. ((hug))
What beautiful thoughts here:
“Mary’s Creator was somehow now younger than she. The Mystery of it all.
A mind can barely hold the miracle–the glory–of Heaven’s Boy.”
I love that term: “Heaven’s Boy” as I ponder this beautiful mystery. Truly we cannot rush through the motions of these days unless we let God still our hearts to take time to ponder His Miracle. And, Mary’s heart does speak to me about the way that she “treasured all these things in her heart.” Oh may I ponder and pause to hear Him speak. Blessings to you this Christmas!
Me too, Bettie…may I ponder with you (and Mary) all these things, pausing to hear Him. Thank you for being here, Bettie. Merry CHRISTmas to you and your household. ((Hug))
“The Mystery of it all. A mind can barely hold the miracle–the glory–of Heaven’s Boy.” Such a mystery it is! I’m thinking of using “Mystery” as my One Word for 2018, so I’m glad to see it here, Brenda. Merry Christmas to you!
ooh, “mystery,” what a great word, Lisa. Can’t wait to hear how that unfolds, if you choose it. Merry, merry Christmas to you, friend. xoxo
Merry Christmas!
The Christmas story is righty called the Greatest Story Ever Told and you’ve shared part of what makes is wondrous. Born that men no more may die – Praise God!
It is mind-blowing! I can never get over it, that God would clothe Himself in human flesh and join us on this planet!
Beautiful thoughts, Brenda. I, too, would love to meet Mary in eternity and ask her a thousand questions.
Brenda, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks for your faithfulness each week with the linkup and your passion to share God’s truth. Blessings!
Merry Christmas, Brenda … thanks for talking about Mary … I’ve become more taken by her faith in recent years. I can not imagine what she went through and who she became in the process of birthing the Savior of the world.
Bless you, girl … especially during this special week!