Hey friend, I hope you’re having a beautiful advent season.
May we find spaces of quiet amidst the busy, to sit calm in his presence–the baby who changed everything—the LORD who came to set us free. ♥
Thank you for joining us here at this table, week after week with your beautiful words of inspiration & hope. May God bless your household with peace and joy this season and always.
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It’s a casual, pony-tail & sandals environment around here, but a few important reminders:
- Please remember to visit and leave some encouragement for other friends who’ve linked-up today — this is the heart of community & your words of support could be just the thing another friend needs to hear today.
- Please only share like-minded words of spiritual encouragement and insight.
- Please grab the #ChasingCommunity button, or link back here underneath your post. (So others can find us and join the fun too!)
- By linking up & leaving your email address you agree to receive #ChasingCommunity updates.
Thank you for bringing your dish to the table–May your ministry of words find community here.

Hi Brenda,
I said I was going to take a break from writing, but God had different ideas…so here’s my latest post. I guess all the creativity that remained latent through pneumonia and food poisoning finally came out?? Hope this finds you doing well and enjoying your family….you all continue to be in my prayers!!
Blessings and ((hugs)),
Bev xo
Loved what the Lord shared with you during your “break.” Sometimes taking a mental/physical break can be the best time to hear His still voice. Hope you’re feeling better, friend. It’s been a hectic year for you, physically, hasn’t it? Wishing you a *well* 2018. xoxo
Bkessedly, there’s been some sweet days of quiet stillness through the Advent season so far, Brenda. I’m so grateful …
I needed it so.
So glad you’ve found some stillness to comfort you during this season, Linda. I need it too, friend. Prayers for you. xoxo
That Anne Lamott quote is pretty amazing. Thankful for this season in which we celebrate the fact that Truth found its ultimate expression in Jesus.
Yes. Amen, friend. So true. xoxo
Happy Advent my friend! Hugs!
Same to you, sweet friend. xoxo
May your Advent and Christmas season be blessed and full of reflections of His love, Brenda! Thanks for all you do!
Thank you for that lovely wish, sweet friend. I pray the same for you. You’ve been one of my gifts this year. xoxo
I love your slogan – Chasing Roots Touching Sky. Just really noticed it today and the significance of what it means.
Thanks for hosting. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Merry Christmas to you as well, Nylse. May your advent season be filled with His presence. xoxo
No worries about linking up your link up, Brenda :). We’re here to help each other out!
Love the writing community. We are a blessed bunch. “Here to help each other out.” — Thanks for being here, Anita. xoxo
I hope your Christmas prep is going well!
Thank you for this week’s link up, Brenda! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for the reminder to “find spaces of quiet amidst the busy, to sit calm in his presence.” I seem to be struggling with that but I will keep striving for it.