Hey, friend. So blessed to be kicking up the sand on this Kingdom Road together, as we honor His purpose for our lives. I celebrate you today—you encourage and inspire me—and I thank you.
Now that we’re on the fall schedule, we’ll be making a little change—switching the monthly giveaways to the last Thursday of the month, rather than the first. And, today just so happens to be the last Thursday of September!
Another change I’m excited to implement is that—we’ll be highlighting the writing space of the drawing winner each month. Isn’t that fun? And, no worries for past winners–you never know when your number will be drawn again. (That’s why we have more than one gift to choose from, and I hope to add another next year.)
This month’s drawing winner is: Robin! Congratulations, Robin!
Robin is a servant leader with a heart for encouraging, equipping, and empowering women. Her passion is to connect women with their stories and empower them in the process.
Robin says, “If I had to sum up my mission, the force that propels me, it would be this: creating a loving community where women are free to let their lights shine. “ Isn’t that beautiful?
Robin’s online writing home can be found at Robinality. There you’ll also find links to connect with her on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. If you haven’t had a chance to meet Robin on her lovely site, I hope you’ll take some time to visit with her soon.
Thank you, Robin, for being a part of this beautiful community of writers here at #ChasingCommunity.
Let me know whether you’d prefer the insulated mug, or the writing journal and I’ll get it right out to you. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry of words. ♥
Be sure to join us back here next week as we welcome our friend Micah Maddox to the blog. Micah’s first book, Anchored In, just released, and we’re excited to have her guest-posting with us. I know her words will bless.
<a href="http://brendabradfordottinger.com/chasing-community/"><img src="http://brendabradfordottinger.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Linkup-button.jpg" alt="" width="250" height="250" /></a>
It’s a casual, pony-tail & sandals environment around here, but a few important reminders:
- Please remember to visit and leave some encouragement for other friends who’ve linked-up today — this is the heart of community & your words of support could be just the thing another friend needs to hear today.
- Please only share like-minded words of spiritual encouragement and insight.
- Please grab the #ChasingCommunity button, or link back here underneath your post. (So others can find us and join the fun too!)
- By linking up & leaving your email address you agree to receive #ChasingCommunity updates.

I always like to see a face behind a name….congrats to Robin. I’m still playing catch up on reading blogs and my inbox….but life is good ! Thanks for your prayers sweet friend!
Bev xoxo
Bev @ Walking Well With God recently posted…There Ain’t Nothin’ Gonna Steal My Joy
Thankful you’re doing well and got a good report, Bev. xoxo
So fun! I love how encouraging and joyful this space is! Happy Thursday!
Becky Hastings recently posted…10 Things I Learned Reading Church of the Small Things
So glad you’re here, Becky. 🙂 xoxo
Hey, friend! I received my package yesterday and it was so fun opening the sweetest gift! Thank you so much! 🙂
KellyRBaker recently posted…Surprised by Meditation
Yay, so glad you received it well. 🙂 Thankful for you. xoxo
I hope your September has ended well! Thanks for hosting!
Lisa/Syncopated Mama recently posted…If You’re Happy & You Know It – A Sing-Along Book illustrated by Barbara Szepesi Szucs
Same to you, Lisa. 🙂 Hug
I have been the blessed recipient of much encouragement from Robin — so good to see her face today.
And looking forward to your thoughts on Micah’s book next week!
Michele Morin recently posted…The Membership: Jayber Crow Discussion Group(4)
She is an encouragement isn’t she, Michele. As are you. 🙂 xoxo
Good Morning, Brenda … your welcoming words are a great kick off for us all today, ‘kicking up the sand on this Kingdom Road together.’
Beautiful picture indeed …
Hope the day sparkles for you!
Linda Stoll recently posted…The Matt Redman Stocking Stuffer Giveaway
Hey, Linda. Good to see you, thanks for dropping in. xoxo
So, Brenda! Your quote graphic at the top is an answer to prayer. Plain and simple. Thank you!
Liz recently posted…Word Nerd Wednesday – Knowledge
Awe, that makes me smile, friend. Thank you for sharing that with me. xoxo
Love the quote!
Naomi Fata recently posted…5 Free Printable Christian Birthday Cards
It’s a goodie, right? 🙂 Good to see you, Naomi. xoxo
I love Robin! Brenda you are so kind to do this. Wow! Hoping you are blessed this week.
Meghan recently posted…How Jesus Led
She’s a sweetheart, isn’t she? Wishing a super-blessed week for you too, friend. xoxo
I love what you have just introduced,and I have visited Robinality before,its wonderful.Thank you.
Stopping here is so much fun, Brenda! I’ve enjoyed Robin’s posts in the past, congrats, Robin!
It sounds like you have some fun fall things coming up. I’m excited about this new season, too. I planning some changes on my blog, as well, but need to get a conference behind me this coming week. Thanks for hosting. Have a great week-end. You are always such an encourager!
Donna Reidland recently posted…“Biblical Prosperity & ‘The Prosperity Doctrine’” September 29
What a fun way to highlight the winner of your giveaway. I love Robin’s blog.
Thank you for being such a great host.
Hope you have an amazing weekend,
Maree Dee recently posted…A Tech Break Will Absolutely Benefit You
Thanks for introducing us to Robin, Brenda! I’m going to check out her post. I appreciate your community, friend. (I don’t always link up these days because trying to juggle book-writing with everything else on my plate means I’m having to do less of some things to do more of others!)
Betsy de Cruz recently posted…One Simple Way to Make Your Marriage Better