When we randomly pray for strangers to find God—are those among the seeds watered? Does that result in souls in heaven? All because we randomly answered a prompt to pray?
Have you ever considered that?
Honestly, I’m not sure I want to know all the whys and hows of it. I prefer the mystery of prayer.
But yet—I can’t help but search for wisdom in the unknown.
Interesting how God-things can be both complex and simple, all at once—with faith being the bridge that connects them.
Want to up your prayer-ministry game?
Try these eight simple tips for adding prayer to a busy of life:
- When reading a book—pray for the author each time you pick it up to read.
- When you see someone walking on the roadside—whisper a prayer for them.
- When you hear sirens—pray for the lives and families of those involved.
- When going for a walk or run—pray for the households of the homes you pass.
- When driving—pray for the people in the cars around you.
- When donating outgrown or unused items—pray for the families who’ll receive them.
- When passing make-shift, roadside memorials—pray for the grieving hearts left behind.
- Pray for your people each month on the day that corresponds with their birthdates. For example, my family’s birthdays fall on the 5th, 8th, 10th and 21st. So, I try to keep each one in prayer throughout his coordinating day. (All 12 months, not just their birth-months.) Of course, we pray for our people always, but this is another simple tool to help us stay mindful.
We’ll never know the true power of our prayers—not this side of eternity, anyway.
And that’s okay, because, while we humans may be a curious bunch, we can’t interpret the mysteries of Timeless God.
And, what a comfort that we don’t need to know—only to trust.
Tell me, friend—do you have any tips to help keep prayer at the center of your days?
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Prayer is…being on terms of friendship with God” love this!! We’re studying prayer in our young adult connection group and it’s been so refreshing to see these young people grow in their prayer life and growing in mine right along side them 🙂
Great ideas to up my prayer ministry. I love the idea of praying for my family on “their” days each month…what a clever and great idea.
Love and ((hugs)) sweet friend,
Bev xo
Bev @ Walking Well With God recently posted…Whose Hand Can I Hold?
I do some of these things, pray with sirens, for people I pass by etc. but I love all these suggestions! Now I’ll be thinking on this and coming up with new and additional ways to pray too. Love this idea! Thanks my friend!
Jill recently posted…Joyfully Shine & Bend
Good morning, Brenda! These prayer prompts will stay with me. Thanks for the gentle encouragement to pray without ceasing, particularly for those we’ll probably never meet this side of heaven …
Linda Stoll recently posted…A Surefire Antidote for Our Endless Self-Absorption
And I just finished reading Unseen by Sara Hagerty which is not about prayer specifically, but I was lambasted by her words that our prayer life is about relationship and if we do NOT desire to run to God with all the things that bombard our hearts each day, then we need to look at the health of that relationship (certainly not an exact quote, but the essence of her words is in there somewhere.)
Needless to say, I’m doing some serious heart-searching.
Thanks for all you do, Brenda.
Michele Morin recently posted…Like the Sound of Many Waters — Jayber Crow Discussion (3)
These are great! I do a few of them sometimes, too. Hope you’re well, friend. (Btw, I’m out of town so I won’t get to the post office until next week)
KellyRBaker recently posted…What Jesus Can Teach Us about Interruptions
I love doing this! Praying/talking to God is second nature to me. As Paul said, not that I should boast but if there’s anything to be “boastful” about it would be of knowing God in this way! It all started on a long commute I had. Plus my husband drives a semi and I prayed all the more. With each passing semi I would pray for them, because I knew how hard it was to be on the road driving that kind of vehicle. Some crazy things can happen. It kinda spiraled into praying for passing cars. It just puts people and their needs at the forefront of our hearts and minds, and I think that is a great place to be. Thanks for sharing this, Brenda. I love your community here. Your list was so creative! Praying you have a blessed week!
Meghan recently posted…An Open Letter To Guilt
These are great suggestions and it’s true that we never know what impact our prayers could have.
Lesley recently posted…Sing! How Worship Transforms…
Yes, my friend. I ponder similar thoughts and typically find myself at the end of a long process with, “I don’t know. I choose to truth You, anyway.” Your tips for prayer focus are wonderful. You could add praying for those in the waiting room at your next doctor’s appointment, as well as the physicians and staff. 🙂 Thank you for helping us find focus, Brenda!
I loved your ideas of ways to pray. Some of them I already do, but a few have never crossed my mind. I can’t wait to start praying. What a great idea for the birthdays.
Hoping you have a wonderful Thursday,
Maree Dee recently posted…When Feeling Overwhelmed Doesn’t Make Sense
I love these suggestions. I had never considered praying for the author of the book I’m reading. Sharing on FB and Twitter, friend!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Exploring God’s Path for Your Life, Part 3
Beautiful suggestions for prayer. I will certainly take your recommendations to heart and begin praying for each of the subjects you listed on your prayer list as I journey through each day. Thank you for sharing!
I absolutely love these practical prayer tips. I think we tend to make prayer so much more complicated than we need to. This reminds me of just how simple (and important) it is.
Thanks for reminding me 🙂
Becky Hastings recently posted…Finding Hope in the Broken Places
Brenda what a really helpful list to keep us in the daily rhythm of simply talking to and believing God – you’re right we do over complicate it and somehow make prayer harder work than I think it needs to be. Thank you for this reminder. Simple, practical yet divine xx
Brenda- I love your tips on praying! They make sense, wondering why I haven’t thought of them before?!?
Julie recently posted…8 Great Reasons to have a Faith Vision Board
I love those practical ideas for prayer. I do some of them but I’m going to incorporate your ideas too. I read in Mark Batterson’s Circle Maker Prayer Journal that he prays for everyone he talks to throughout the day. I”m trying to remember to do that. Praying for you today. Oh and I am horrible. I just realized your book is sitting here in a pile to be mailed out. Sending it out today.
~Sherry Stahl
Awe, thank you, friend. Can’t wait to read. — Love the Circle Maker idea of praying for each person you encounter. Thanks for sharing, will have to remember. 🙂 xoxo
Thanks so much for hosting!