Ever feel like you’re living on a prayer?
Like you’re listening to God, and feel certain you’re minding your yeses and noes and maybes…
And yet…
You wonder if you’re the right girl for the job, because you limp into bed each night with the weight of your people and your compassions and your sorrows settled like an elephant on your heart?
Anyone else?
Friend, if that’s you too, may we remind each other today that— it’s okay.
It’s okay to not have it all together every bless’ed moment.
It’s okay to need grace.
It’s okay to be yourself in all your weary brokenness.
Dare I say, preferable even?
You see, others trust what they can relate to.
And, as far as I can tell, in order to make a difference in this world, it’s imperative we gain the trust of others.
So—here’s to being okay with living on a prayer. Tweet This
(Is there a better source? Than prayer?)
If you’re like me, we sometimes forget that the daily stuff isn’t always supposed to be simple.
And that being human means being tired at times.
Here’s the thing—being tired doesn’t mean we’ve missed God.
His mission for us might just be one of Living on a Prayer.
One of allowing grace its rightful place.
One of being free from the bondage of appearances.
There doesn’t have to be a contradiction, you know?
We can rest in Him and yet be humanly weary.
Have you ever held a sleeping baby in your arms? Pure heaven-on-earth, right?
That’s how I picture God during our weariest of seasons.
Rocking us in His arms. His delight. His joy.
We’re still the sleepy baby. He’s still the strong Protector who understands our humanity and meets us in it with supernatural strength and gentle loving-care.
Take heart—our God knows what it is to be human.
And tired.
And faithful.
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry. (Psalm 34:15)
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Hi Brenda,
Been up all night – colonoscopy day Woohoo! Feeling oh so weary so picturing myself as that tiny babe in the arms of God. Joining you in living on a prayer.
Bev xo
Oh, may today go easier than expected, Bev …
May you feel His arms around you today, Bev. May you know Him closer than your own breath. May each wave of fear lean you more deeply into His peace. Much love from afar.
Living on a prayer! Yessssss…. Lately I’ve been feeling a little like the Israelites with God only giving me just enough to get through the next day, the next hour. Thanks for this beautiful encouragment! XO
It’s like sometimes we need permission to show our own selves grace and mercy, Brenda …
You do so bountifully!
What a beautiful word picture—I could just imagine my Father holding me whilst I slumber.
Brenda, thank you for the beautiful word picture. Grace…why is it hard to allow ourselves to pour on grace over ourselves? Thank you for reminding us in your tender words. Hugs!
Prayer is our lifeline, and yes it’s OK to need grace! We “grow in grace”. Have a great day, friend!
So beautiful, Brenda. So encouraging. Thank you for this gift today. Amen!
Oh Brenda-we are on the same page sister! Thanks for articulating this for so many of us. Your words are a gift and a light today as always. Thanks my friend.
Love your words today – weary and rocked – right in the safest place to be 🙂
Brenda, this post is going to be a favorite of mine! How grateful I am that imperfection and brokenness only means I am human. God understands and comes alongside of us in our weariness. Thank you for hugging us all with your words and heart. xo
Thank you for your words giving me permission to pause and breathe. “It’s okay to not have it all together” is my motto for the day.
We’re fond of thinking about the incarnation at Christmas time, but as we ponder the crucifixion and resurrection, this is the time when Jesus’ flesh was wounded for us. Yes, he knows our weakness.
Thanks, Brenda for all you do!
Beautiful and timely message today, Brenda. Boy, have I been feeling the weight of “my people” lately.
“Free from the bondage of appearances”… YES PLEASE!!! I’ll take a scoop of that, with a side of grace. 😉
Love this, friend. <3
So glad you linked up at #destinationInspiration today, Brenda! I loved this post! I plan to feature it tomorrow. 😉
Brenda, This is such a beautiful post! I loved the mental image of us being a sleepy baby in Jesus’ arms! I needed this so desperately today. Thank you so much for the encouragement, sweet friend! You are such a blessing!
Brenda! I bet you think I read your post before our conversation this morning 🙂 Nuh-uh. Just read it and am blown away by God’s way with us. From one living-on-a-prayer friend to another, “I’ll see you in the arms of God!”
Brenda, as a pastor’s wife, mother, grandmother supervisor, I live like that on a daily. It’s emotionally exhausting and spirituality draining. At this very moment I look forward to the bed tonight. Yet, in my weakest moments, I visualize that great big father holding me in his lap rocking me back and forth, back and forth. I sat comfortably in his lap whispering my woes to the only one who can handle them. He is a good, good father. Isn’t he?
Beautiful words of encouragement here today friend!!
Brenda, Thank you for this beautiful picture of rocking in my Father’s arms. This is so timely, as I just listened to another speaker this afternoon who talked about the Father, Yaweh, just waiting for us to call out to Him and tell Him we need Him! What a good Father we have!
I hope your March is getting off to a super start! Thanks for hosting!
It’s all about His grace, isn’t it? I think anything worth doing is going to require more than we can do in our own strength! Thanks for this timely (always) reminder!
Thanks for this encouragement, Brenda. I’m usually sliding through on a prayer, so it’s good to remember that is OKAY. <3