Doesn’t seem that long ago…..
I once knew a girl who had a baby boy—a beautiful fair-haired, blue-eyed little one he was. Her heartbeat, she called him.
Then, two and a half years later, she had another darling son—sweet olive-skinned “peanut” with the biggest eyes you’ve ever seen on a baby boy.
And, four years later, overjoyed , she welcomed a third Little-One-in-Blue into her world—preciously plump and heaven fresh, with the most angelic smile.
That girl I knew, she loved the whole “baby thing.” She knew when the cute infant clothes were on sale at the mall, and the perfect brand of pureed mush to feed her toothless treasures.
She adored her life of legos and trains, of Hotweels and board-books. And—rocking sleeping babies in her arms—these were the moments she lived for.
Those boys of hers, they grew.
Into toddlers.
Tweens and teens.
Into adult young men.
And she laughed, and cried, and prayed, and loved them through it all.
Mysterious how that girl walked so quietly out of my life.
She never said “Goodbye.” Never slammed the door behind her.
She was just gone.
And, oh how there are days when I miss her profoundly.
Today, I am getting to know another girl. A woman she is.
This woman I know, she can still look into the face of her 22 year old son and see a giggly, red-cheeked little boy playing peek-a-boo. His laughter forever at home in her heart.
And, this woman—she also gets to call a 20 year man-child her son. The son who still has those big, big eyes. The eyes she always saw in her own reflection, but never appreciated—she now sees in her son and admires—and the spirit behind the eyes ever so much more.
And, if that wasn’t blessing enough—God smiled on her a third time, allowing another cherub to call her mom. Right in the center of teendome, he’s her baby and she adores him. He’ll be 16 soon, and she wonders—where the years have faded?
This woman I know, she’s grateful—ever-grateful—for her three beautiful sons.
And yet—she can’t help but fondly remember a girl she once knew.
“How’d it get so late so soon?
It’s night before it’s afternoon,
December is here before it’s June,
My goodness how the time has flewn,
How did it get so late so soon?”
~ Dr. Seuss
Thank you friends for indulging this sentimental mama’s heart today, as her middle son turns 20. ♥
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This is beautiful…made me tear up! Yes, where did those girls go to and how did our babies get to be adults so quickly. It seems like a blink of an eye. I guess the wise, gray haired ladies that told us to enjoy those days because they would soon pass were right. Lovely post!! Will check my March calendar and get back with you….yes we need a coffee or lunch date.
Bev xx
Brenda, this is so sweet! My oldest son will be 14 in March, and I can’t believe he’s already looking and thinking like a man. Each stage has its joys, but I do wistfully remember the baby stage like you. Love your mother’s heart here.
Aww! Happy birthday to your middle baby! It doesn’t matter how old they get—they’re still our babies!
I know! What is it about that SECOND child growing up?
I think we’re in shock when the first one graduates, so by the time the second child starts heading for adulthood, we’ve recovered enough to mourn a teensy bit for the way things used to be.
Rejoicing along with you in the way things are — and for great things to come, by grace!
Oh Brenda, I’m so there with you, just a few years behind as I contemplate one of mine leaving for college soon. Thanks for sharing your heart, my friend!
Such beautiful thoughts and poetry! And a reminder to cherish the days as this mom’s oldest is just now on the brink on teen-dom! Blessings, my friend!
The gift of seeing our grown-up children as dearest friends is a beautiful surprise … those decades passed oh so quickly …
Brenda, this is beautiful and teared me up! Mine are grown and I still wonder how we got to this age! Happy Birthday to your son and may you all enjoy the day!
What a sweet poem Brenda! It expresses my heart and the changes from parenting children to adults. Oh how I wish I could go back to Legos 🙂 BUT, I do enjoy this new level of relationship with my son and daughter.
Praying you all have fun celebrating your son!
~Sherry Stahl
Ah, all the *feels*. This is beautiful brenda. So poetic! I can relate to your sentiments. While I still have young children in the home, I do have a few adult children as well. I know these days will be gone so soon. And I will miss them…
Bless your mama heart. 💕
Brenda, this is lovely! It gave me chills because I can see the writing on the wall. It’s invisible ink right now, but I see it coming. Those yesterdays that felt so long are barely even memories and the tomorrows, well they seem to loom pregnant on the horizon. It is a lovely gift to recognize the value of both while still celebrating the moment. Well done friend. 🙂 xo
Dear Brenda, Oh, this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your precious heart here. I sure know that feeling, where has the time gone? My baby turned 30 this past year! We have been given such sweet gifts to watch our children growing though every season of their lives. May the Lord bless you and your family!
This made me tear up a bit too. My oldest will be turning 8 soon, but how fast they grow!
This is beautiful, I bless the Lord for watching over your son.You are blessed.
You’re so creative, Brenda! Have a great day, friend!
Brenda, your post is God’s love pouring out of you. And you can’t imaging giving your son can you? How lavishly He loves to give us Jesus. I am connecting you to by His Grace bloggers.
This is lovely Brenda! I agree, time goes so quickly! Hope your son has a lovely birthday!
Oh my! This was so sweet and brought back so many things of my own that I just cried while I read. A good cry always helps. My 17 year old has been in Haiti for 9 days and he comes back today. I’ve thought often this week about my two sweeties and how much has changed as they’ve grown up and gone to far-away places. They will both be home tomorrow and my heart is full and happy thinking of it! Thank you for filling it a little more today with these sweet words.
Such a sweet poem. Thanks for sharing! I loved it.
Now I’m getting sentimental! What a beautiful description of the grown up years. We knew it was slippery, just for a season, but what an intense and beautiful season. Thank you for taking me back there as well through your words. xoxoxo
Yay, I’m finally starting to feel like I’ve kicked this flu! Sure hope you stay healthy at your house!
Oh how I relate. I miss those simpler times when the biggest issue was not stepping on Hot Wheels. A couple of weeks ago, my first baby in blue turned 50 … I don’t even know how that happened! My youngest is 40 and there are 2 girls in between. I still drive by their high school and get nostalgic feelings. LOL But the blessings of this season are exceedingly abundantly more than I could ask or think! 13 grandchildren, 4 great-grands, spouses who have become like my own and a Heavenly Father who oversees it all.
I didn’t know you then. But, I know you now. The two women sound like the same person to me.
I will indulge you ONLY if you write more :-). Sweet words for an important day.
Happy Birthday, giggly son 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day (yes, I meant that), Brenda!