May your heart overflow with the Savior’s sweet love this Valentines week, friend. ♥ Thank you for being here; your presence and kindness continue to bless. ♥
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="250" /></a>
It’s a casual, pony-tail & sandals environment around here, but a few important reminders:
- Please remember to visit and leave some encouragement for other friends who’ve linked-up today — this is the heart of community & your words of support could be just the thing another friend needs to hear today.
- Please only share like-minded words of spiritual encouragement and insight.
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Thank you for bringing your dish to the table–May your ministry of words find community here.

Hi Brenda,
Hope you had a nice Valentine’s Day! I’m sorry I just haven’t had time to participate much in the Compel group (I’m also behind on my lessons). The Foundation takes most of my time and then I try to squeeze my writing in when I can….wish I had more time to devote to it!!
Miss you my friend,
Bev xo
No worries, friend. Love having you stop in when you have time. ((Hug)) I was a few weeks behind in the lessons until last weekend when I was able to catch up. Hope all the foundation work is going well. — Will be stopping by soon for my little girl, haha. 🙂 xoxo
Hope your Valentine’s Day was terrific!
Blessings to you!
Same to you, Michele. xoxo
Hope you had a sweet and special Valentine’s Day! I was reminded recently that Valentine’s Day was originally about friendship rather than romantic love. You are a sweet example of what a friend should be.
I didn’t know Valentines Day was originally about friendship. I like that. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Donna. xoxo
Great quote by Rick Warren! Thanks as always for providing community and love to all of us Brenda! Happy love week and lenten season!
Thanks for being here, friend. Hope life is slowing down a little for you and you’re having a great week. xoxo
Love the graphic, Brenda! Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well! Thanks for the link-up this morning. <3
Likewise, Rachel. 🙂 Thanks for being here! xoxo
Sending Valentine’s week affection your way, friend …
Back at ya, friend. ♥
Thank you for the beautiful thoughts about love, and for the love that you share in this community! I have been blessed as I have participated with you all!
Thank you for blessing us with the link-up each week.