Hey, friend. Are you like me and wondering how January got so far ahead of you? I mean, we were walking together for a minute, but somehow she outpaced me and sprinted to the end of the month. Serves me right for lollygagging after week one, I suppose.
But, I love the last week of the month here at #ChasingCommunity, because it’s Giveway Time! And, not only that, but with all the extra fun going on, we missed last month’s giveaway, so we’re doubling up today and drawing TWO names to spotlight! Woohoo!
This month’s winners are Jill H. and Anita O.!
Jill’s online home can be found at Follow His Footprints where she “follows His footprints…and chronicles them to encourage, empower and equip us all to live the lives God has planned for us.” — And, not only that, but she’s also the founder of Memory Minders where she “provides adults with wellness services to enhance memory and improve quality of life.” Jill is one of the most encouraging people I’ve met in the writing community. So thankful for her friendship and encouragement. Congratulations, Jillie. ♥
Anita writes at AnitaOjeda.com where she also hosts the Inspire Me Mondays linkup. In addition, she “writes about her care-giving journeys over at her blog Blessed (but Stressed).” (I’m so impressed that both of these ladies are able to keep joint sites going!) Something I love about Anita is that she shares my excitement for photography. (Although, I have a feeling she’s far more advanced than I.) So glad to have her sweet spirit in the #ChasingCommunity family. Congratulations, Anita. ♥
So blessed to have you both here in this space, sharing your wisdom and grace. Thank you!
Just let me know whether you’d prefer the journal or the mug and I’ll get it right out to you!
And, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who joins us here at this table each week. You bless me with your words, your vision, your kindness and grace. Thank you for bringing your dish to the table; may your ministry of words always find community here. ♥
<a href="http://brendabradfordottinger.com/chasing-community/"><img src="http://brendabradfordottinger.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Linkup-button.jpg" alt="" width="250" height="250" /></a>
It’s a casual, pony-tail & sandals environment around here, but a few important reminders:
- Please remember to visit and leave some encouragement for other friends who’ve linked-up today — this is the heart of community & your words of support could be just the thing another friend needs to hear today.
- Please only share like-minded words of spiritual encouragement and insight.
- Please grab the #ChasingCommunity button, or link back here underneath your post. (So others can find us and join the fun too!)
- By linking up & leaving your email address you agree to receive #ChasingCommunity updates.
Thank you for bringing your dish to the table–May your ministry of words find community here.

Oh yes, I feel the same way about this month. But partly because we have only just returned from a wonderful holiday back in my home country visiting family and meeting my two little nieces for the very first time 😊. So, I can’t complain – it was worth every second 😊. Thank you for offering this space to share our stories of what God is doing in our midst. Looking forward to reading other entries.
Sounds like a wonderful trip, Anna. So glad you were able to visit with your family. 🙂
I thought January would be slower after the hectic pace of December, but time just continues to fly by. Wanting to slow it down to be more intentional.
Blessings to you sweet friend,
Bev xo
Me too, friend. But, I’m beginning to believe that it’s the other way around…we have to be more intentional to slow it down. 🙂 Hope this last week of January finds you with some much needed slow calm. 🙂 xoxo
Hey there Brenda! I haven’t joined your community in a long time. (I’ve been doing fewer linkups, just been busy.) But it’s good to be here today and see that you’re featuring two beautiful friends.
Hey, Betsy. Great to see you today. Always a pleasure, friend. xoxo
Boy, this month has flown by so quickly, I barely remember what it! looked like!! 🙂 Congrats to the winners!!
Hasn’t it though, Esther?! I’m half expecting it to be Christmas next month! 🙂
Congrats lovely ladies! And Brenda I guess I didn’t realize you were a KY gal yourself too? I saw it in another post. I hope you have a great day and great February too (ahhhhh!)
Was at one brief moment in time. 🙂 We lived in KY for six months just before the Lord brought us here to NC. KY is a beautiful state, though—and such a warm, hospitable place. It doesn’t surprise me that you live in such a place. 🙂
WOW! How exciting to win and thanks for the shout out, Brenda!! I emailed you but would love the mug to remind me of your sweet friendship! I’m always encouraged by #ChasingCommunity-love this little corner of the internet! Thanks again for all you do for us!
Yay! Congrats, Jill. Thanks for being here and for being the continual source of encouragement that you are. 🙂 xoxo
I loved seeing the quote by Emily Wierenga shared here as I have grown to love both her and The Lulu Tree deeply!
I love that, Joanne. I need to learn more about The Lulu Tree. I’m familiar with it, but don’t know much more than the basics. She is such an easy person to enjoy, though, isn’t she?! 🙂
Congratulations Anita and Jill! Brenda, you are so thoughtful and generous. As for January – where HAS it gone?! Slipped right away, didn’t it? <3
Right through our slippery little fingers…yes, it did! 🙂 Thanks for being here today, friend. xoxo
Congratulations to Jill and Anita!
And thanks, Brenda, for working so hard to create this friendly and inspiring space!
Thank you, Michele, for showing up and doing life in this community…you are a great big blessing. xoxo
You get the best quotes! So inspiring 🙂 Praying you have a blessed week enjoying sweet times with your family.
~Sherry Stahl
Praying that same prayer over you now, friend. Thank you! xoxo
Thank you for the link-up. Yes this month has flown. Seems each day is over in a wink.
Doesn’t it?! Gotta learn to capture and savor time, don’t we? 🙂
I agree. where did January go… and with February only 2 minutes long, spring will be here in a flash. I could use the warmer weather, but I already feel like I’m behind! haha
Oh, springtime, please be patient and let us savor winter a little longer. Hopefully she listens. 🙂 I’m not ready for the longer days of the warmer months yet. I’m still needing the calm of winter right now. 🙂
I keep thinking we are at the beginning of the month. Yikes, I feel so behind on everything. I love the quote about family. Nothing warms my heart more than to see people be a family, especially if its mine.
Congratulations to Jill and Anita! I know just what you mean about January getting away from you. You feel like you have this fresh new month (and year) ahead of you and here we are … almost one month gone! Thanks for hosting!