Hey, friend. ♥
Do you participate in the annual One-Word shenanigans? You know, where a single word is chosen to represent a focus for the year?
I’ve been on the One-Word Train for a while now. The last few years, God’s surprised me with words I haven’t always understood, or known how to implement. And, honestly, I like it better that way. (Keeps me from being bossy with my word.)
That’s my 2018 Word — Remember.
I’ve always been intrigued by God’s heart for remembrance, for marking time, for memorializing His movement in our lives since the days of old.
I’m not sure where this word will take me in 2018, but I’m excited to find out. I hope to share updates along the way as He writes remembrance on my heart this year.
What about you? Do you have a 2018 Word? If so, I’d love to hear.
May the same great God who performed wonders of old, leave a million imprints across your days as guideposts of remembrance this year, friend.
Grace upon grace in 2018.
P.S. — I’m visiting my oldest son at college today, so I won’t be around the linkup as much as I normally am. As always, I thank you for being a part of this sweet community. I’ve been so blessed by your friendships. You are my people, and you wear sisterhood well. ♥
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It’s a casual, pony-tail & sandals environment around here, but a few important reminders:
- Please remember to visit and leave some encouragement for other friends who’ve linked-up today — this is the heart of community & your words of support could be just the thing another friend needs to hear today.
- Please only share like-minded words of spiritual encouragement and insight.
- Please grab the #ChasingCommunity button, or link back here underneath your post. (So others can find us and join the fun too!)
- By linking up & leaving your email address you agree to receive #ChasingCommunity updates.
Thank you for bringing your dish to the table–May your ministry of words find community here.

Remember is a great word, Brenda! I’ll be interested to see what God teaches you this year. My word is focus.
Hope you have good day with your son!
#memories! Love it! I will try to remember this later this year, as I gather contributors for a special series on memories! Praying God blesses your time with your son
I shared my word above. I like “remember” because it is in remembering God’s faithfulness in the past that gives me confidence as I go into the future. I look at Ebenezers I’ve raised along the way and I am confident that He will see me through whatever may come. You and your family are continuing in my prayers.
Bev xo
Brenda, Having a word for the year is so good…somehow mine don’t usually boil down to one word but instead into a phrase. This year the phrase God has given me is “decrease so He can increase”. I’m not sure how it will play out in my life this year, but already I have been faced with some decisions and find myself praying about how this word for the year impacts my decisions. Blessings as you visit your son!
Brenda I’ve done well with choosing “one word” and this year it’s is love. Shared above
Remember – that word feels heavy with strength and love. I, too, am looking forward to the ways God will use that word in your life this year. My word is peace. I’ve discovered it has many layers that I’ve barely tapped. Enjoy time with your son, Brenda. xx
What a lovely word! I can’t wait to see how God uses it in your life this year.
And have a great visit with your son!
Hi Becky, saw your name on here and just wanted to say great post on weight loss on parent.co site last week! Loved it.
That’s the first time I’ve seen “Remember” as a one word for 2018. Great choice! Mine is Believe, and God is showing it to me every day in unexpected ways. Have a wonderful visit with family, friend!
Brenda, God has laid a fascinating word on your heart. Our walk with Him consist in always “remembering” what He has done and continues to do for us and with us.
My word is “peace” and I like that our Lord placed that word on my heart. It pours on rest in all areas of my life.
Have fun with your son today. Hugs and love, Michele
Love your word, Brenda! Remembering His faithfulness yesterday fuels hope for tomorrow! Remembering what He’s done in the past gives strength to climb (or move) mountains! My word is “yield.”
This is only my second year to join in the “shenanigans.” Last year it was “standing” and this year it’s “orthodoxy” — a word that I was repelled by when it first came to me and demanded to be the 2018 word.
Enjoy this day with the oldest son! I’m having dinner tomorrow night with my oldest – gonna love that time with the grandies.
Blessings to you!
Love your word and can’t wait to hear how God uses it in your life this year!! Have a great time visiting your son!
Blessings, Misty
Ah … no word on my end. Tried it twice but it didn’t take root. I’m hoping to move ahead one day at a time with my hands open wide to receive whatever He has for me …
Bless you, girl, as you embrace what He’s lead you to!
A beautiful word, Brenda! I chose “Focus” this year – I want to look ahead, run my own race and focus on what God would have me to do. I am looking forward to haw God unfolds our words this year. May you have a wonderful time visiting with your son!
I haven’t written about my word yet, not sure if I will or not, but it is Create. Will be interesting to see how God uses it this year.
I love your Word and the heart behind it. Praying you are blessed by your word journey this year!
This week has been an ease back into our regular routine. Hope your week is good!
Love you word for 2018, Brenda. Mine is FOCUS. I have needed it.
Enjoy the time with your son; every moment we have with our children as they are adults is precious. My word this year is surrender. I didn’t choose surrender as my word, but as I prayed about each of the other words on my list, God said what I truly needed was to surrender completely to Him.
Although I don’t focus on a “one word” for the year, I love reading what words others mention. Good stuff!
What a great word, Brenda! May God be with you as you live out his word for you in your life this year!
What a great word, Brenda. I love it. I’ve been doing the one word thing for a few years now, and God truly speaks to me through this filter/ focus. Happy New Year!
I have a one word that I’m not sure what I will do with this year–or better yet, what God will do with it in me–but it is Mystery. I’ll have to wait and see.
Love your choice of Remember!
love your word – when we don’t, we get in trouble. enjoy your visit!
I too have been intrigued by God’s interest and call to remember. I think that is why I find myself drawn to writing! Blessings as you remember and record your remembering and share it in your own writing!
Brenda, Enjoy your time with your son. I look forward to the unfolding of your word. I just about have my word. It has something to do with Joy.
Blessings, Maree
“Remember,” what a great word to focus on, because we tend to be very forgetful. Forgetful of God’s blessings. Forgetful of His promises. Forgetful of what He’s done in the past. I’ve never really asked God to give me a Word. I have more often tended to focus on a passage of Scripture. I spend a couple of years on Ephesians 5.15-16 about redeeming the time, because of my tendency to go on rabbit trails and to fritter away too much time. Thanks for hosting and have a blessed week!
My word this year is Speak. You can read about it here:
I love your word, too! I reminds me of Psalm 78, specifically verses 35 & 42. The Israelites did not remember His wonders, and this led them to disobedience, rebellion, unbelief, and disrespect for the LORD their God.
But He remembered them, verse 39!
Just as you will remember your son while he is away because you love him so much, and you hope that he will also remember you. His remembering you will show that he loves, honors, respects, and trusts you. So it is with us remembering our God, and all that He has done for us.
I hope you had a good time visiting with your son.
May the Lord bless you all in this new year!
What a beautiful Word for 2018. It is so good to remember God’s faithfulness and goodness to us. So good to be still and remember when we walk through present struggles. May God strengthen your heart as you stop throughout this year to remember.