So excited to welcome my friend Misty Phillip to the “But God” series.
I pray her words bless as she beautifully shares her heart on the page. Thank you, Misty, for guest-posting with us today. ♥
Have you ever received a compliment, only to feel slighted by the “but ” that follows?
“But” can be an eraser word.
Let me give you an example of what I mean:
I love this pasta dish you made, but why did you put mushrooms in it?
The compliment, “I love this pasta dish” is completely eradicated by the use of the word BUT and the statement that follows.
“But” is a mighty word, and when you couple the word but with God, you have two of the most powerful words in the English language.
Our circumstances may look grim, but God can change our circumstances. I love what the psalmist decrees in Psalms 73:26 ESV, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
The Psalmist knows he is weak and knows that circumstances can be overwhelming, but he gives us hope in that God is strong. There are several scriptures where the words “but God” are used, and there is resurrection power in the words “but God.” Tweet This
Let’s look at some examples from scripture:
“You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.” Acts 3:15 NIV
“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 ESV
I am so thankful that “but” is an eraser word when followed by the word God!
There have been so many times in my life where my heart and flesh were weak, but God’s love and power changed the course of my life forever.
Here are a few of my life changing but God moments:
- After my brother died, I ran headlong into years of rebellion, but God pulled me out from the pit and redeemed my life.
- My marriage was on the brink of divorce, but God restored our relationship, and we are happily married.
- I had an ectopic pregnancy and was near death when I began hemorrhaging, but God saved my life.
- I became pregnant again—and thought I was going to lose my baby when I suddenly began profusely bleeding at the beginning of my pregnancy and went on bed rest for several months—but God gave us another son.
- In a bicycle accident, I broke both of my arms at the same time, and I wasn’t wearing a helmet, but God showed me how he protected me from further harm, and taught me how much he loves me.
But God moments happen as often in everyday moments as they occur in major life events.
I felt like I didn’t belong—but God gave me friends.
I struggled to find purpose in my life—but God gave me a dream.
I wrestled with being enough—but God showed me my worth.
I didn’t feel loved—but God showed me that He loves me with an everlasting love.
I lacked confidence—but God taught me to believe in myself.
I felt overwhelmed by my circumstances—but God changed my life.
Jesus speaks to us in John 16:33 saying, ” I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Jesus warns us that difficulty and trouble will come, but tells us to be at peace because he has overcome the world. Tweet This
Life is challenging and the storms of life can seek to overwhelm us.
There are times when the bad days we experience can turn into prolonged periods of difficulty or suffering, and our problems can seem hopeless and like the end of the world to us. When we face illness, job loss, struggle with depression, a physical or mental disability, or if we are the caretaker for a loved one with a debilitating disease or chronic illness.
We gasp and feel like all of the air has been sucked out the room when we hear the diagnosis of cancer, divorce or someone near us dies.
Life can seem to be desperately overwhelming, but God.
Those two little words but God change everything!
God loves us more than we can possibly imagine!
God calls each one of us and has a purpose for our life.
God saves us and delivers us from evil.
Life is full of the negative “but” moments, however, God uses the “but” moments to enrich, encourage, give hope and change our lives.
Instead of looking at your circumstances, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, and always be on the lookout for your But moment from God.
Misty Phillip is an author, blogger, and speaker. Misty shares Christian Living devotions, thoughts on Faith, Home, and family, book reviews and more at, By His Grace.
Misty’s writing is also featured on several other websites including, Southern Faith Magazine, Faith Filled Family Magazine, and many others. She has been a featured guest on the steadfast podcast, and My Journey of Faith Radio.
You can connect with Misty Phillip on her Website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.
Join us next week as we welcome Bev, from Walking Well with God, to the “But God” Series! ♥
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I love your analogy that “But, God” is like a good eraser phrase. In this world we will have trouble, Gut God has overcome the world. But, God acknowledges that things will go wrong in life, but there is a Higher Power at work that will ultimately trump all that is wrong. But, God fills us with hope. Thank you for sharing from your own life experiences…wonderful post!
Bev xx
Hi! Bev,
Thanks so much for your kind words what a blessing! I am so thankful for the “But God” moments in life and look forward to reading your post next week!
Such a powerful little word! I am so grateful for the But God moments in my life. Thank you for the reminder to look for them 🙂
Hi! Becky,
Me too! The words “But God” is life changing and I am so thankful for a life filled with “But God” moments!!
Be blessed! Misty
I enjoyed this, Misty, especially reading your but God statements. Those are some powerful testimonies.
Hi! Kelly,
Thanks so much for your sweet comments. It was thought-provoking to reflect on some of the life-changing “But God” moments in my life!
Misty 🙂
Misty, this is so powerful. Your testimony expressed in “but God” statements blew me away! So thankful that God transforms our worst moments into opportunities for growth. Blessings to you.
Hi! Sarah,
I am so glad that I was asked to join in on the “But God” series. I enjoyed reading the “But God” post you wrote last week! The holidays can be such a difficult time for many people.
I love your writing it is filled with so much hope!
“But is an eraser word.”
I love that concept, and I depend every day on God’s powerful eraser!
Blessings, Misty!
So thankful for the opportunity to take part in this conversation. There have been many times in my life where my situation seemed grim, “BUT GOD”. He is so good and full of grace and mercy! Be blessed today!
Misty 🙂
WE all have those ‘but God’ moments is only we choose to pause and see and honor them. Thanks Misty for reminding us of this and thanks Brenda for all you do to encourage us!
Well said, Jill!
I am honored to be a part of the “BUT GOD” series!
So thankful for Brenda and the beautiful community she has built here!
Blessings, Misty
Back at you, friends. Thanking God for the encouragement you both are to me, as well. xoxo
But God – sweet morsels of truth and goodness in those two words!! Lord, open our eyes to all the BUT GOD times in our lives! Great post, Misty!!
Hi! Esther,
Thanks for your sweet comments! Nice to “meet you here” at Chasing Community!
Blessings, Misty
Powerful words, Misty. But God….oh yes! Oh to focus on the possibilities of “but God” versus simply the “buts” in life. Thanks for sharing Misty’s beautiful words with us, Brenda.
Thank you for your kind words and adding to the “but God:” conversation.
Love your post. I’ve been a bit guilty of using But all too often. Thankful for my friend who brought it to my attention many years ago! Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Our experiences and our stories are so powerful!
Hi! Robin,
Your friend sounds like a keeper! What Satan intends for evil, God uses for good.
Blessings. Misty
Love that you’re sharing BUT as an eraser word, Misty! We love and serve the God who specializes in tough stuff.
Your post is going to stick close in the days ahead.
Bless you …
Hi! Linda,
Praying that this post is a blessing!
<3 Misty
Love this – being transparent and sharing our ‘but God’ moments is Jesus with skin on 🙂
H! Paris,
Thanks so much!! God is good to use our tough stuff for His Glory!
Misty 🙂
Thanks so much for the link-up!
Oh Misty thank you for sharing this super post. When we are in the midst of hardships it is hard to see the good which could possibly come from it, but God is so mighty and creative. I am glad you saw God’s hand working in these times and I am glad you are well and thriving. Thank you for sharing with us today!
Hi! Meghan,
Thanks so much for your encouraging words!
Misty, this is really powerful! I’m sharing!! Thank you!
And Brenda, thank you for sharing Misty with us today!
My absolute pleasure. 🙂
Brenda, what a great idea for a series! And Misty, I loved reading about all of your “but God” testimonies! I can attest to many of those in my own life, as well. Isn’t He so good!
Thank you for sharing your heart with us. <3
Hi Rachel,
Praise the Lord for He is good and merciful and loves us so much!!
Blessings, Misty
Misty, I enjoyed this post so much. “But God” is definitely a game-changer!
Brenda, I discovered you today at Joanne Viola’s. So glad to meet another Southern girl! I’m from central Florida, now living in Southern Illinois. I’m always in search of community – and sweet tea.
Hi Jerralea,
It is nice to meet you! Thanks so much I am glad you liked it!
Blessings, Misty
Welcome, Jerralea. So glad you’re here. Nice to meet you. 🙂
Thanks so much for asking me to guest post on Chasing Community! You have built a beautiful community here online and I am so thankful to be a part of it!
May God continue to abundantly bless your ministry!
Hugs, Misty
Thank you for sharing your beautiful, inspired words, friend. You’ve been such a blessing this week. xoxo
a great series, misty – but God’s are the best alongside “the God who…’s” – thank you for your real life testimony to the grandness and love of God. (: the ultimate But God is life after death. Praying for opportunities to turn other’s minds to that truth in the wake of such tragedy and anger in our world.
Hi! Sue,
Jesus warned us that we would have trouble and tribulation in this world and that is why we need to keep our eyes on him (the author and perfector of our faith), share his love with others, and take heart knowing he has overcome the world! Things may look grim, people may be angry…. But God….Keep on shining your light friend.
What a great post. Thank you, Brenda, for having Misty guest post.
I have struggled with the “BUT GOD” phrase until you laid it out so well. To me, it always sounds like a negative until now. I got it!. I love it. Thank you! I have tons of “But God” events and can’t wait to start writing them down.
Maree Dee,
That is fantastic!! Thanks so much for letting me know! Blessings, Misty
I am not perfect, but God made me worthy. I am not lovable, but God so loved me that He sent His only Son.
I love this post!
I love your BUT GOD statements!!
He is so amazing and I am so thankful for all of my BUT GOD moments!!
Blessings, Misty
Brenda, I so appreciate your generous heart. Your own words encourage and give hope to me. And your giveaways, features of other bloggers, and providing a place for bloggers to link-up show your heart for serving. I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award because more people need to read your beautiful words. You can read more about this award here ((Hugs)) Debbie
I love the “but God” that is found throughout Scripture. Personally, my life was a mess, but God … intervened. All glory to Him!