So excited to kick off November with three weeks of “But God” guest posts!
Thank you to our sweet friend, Sarah Geringer, for sharing her heart with us today. I pray her words will bless as we enter another busy holiday season. ♥
Does your current season of life feel overwhelming?
If it doesn’t now, it probably will soon—because Christmas is only 53 days away, my friend.
I’m sucking in a deep breath as I face the next two months. All kinds of responsibilities and dreams are jumbled in my hands, along with the daily needs of taking care of my family and home.
Most days my head is barely above water on the basic stuff, much less the holiday stuff. Yet I long to enjoy these last two months of 2017 without the constant presence of overwhelm.
The phrase that’s helping me pause, breathe, and stay sane is “but God”—such a wonderful, transformative phrase for me and for you. I’m reflecting on it in the quiet of my van while I drive back and forth from my children’s school.
“But God” is the phrase that marks the transformation in all my life stories.
- I was a child of divorce, seized by the fear of abandonment…but God never left me. “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5b NIV)
- As a teen I was trapped in a pit of suicidal depression…but God rescued me and lifted me up. “You brought me up from the grave, O LORD. You kept me from falling into the pit of death.“ (Psalm 30:3 NLT)
- In my twenties loneliness drove me to rebellion…but God never forgot me. “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.“ (Isaiah 49:16 NIV)
- I could have remained a victim of emotional abuse…but God offered me healing and hope. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.“ (Romans 8:1 NIV)
- I was constantly overrun in a life without boundaries…but God taught me new lessons. “All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.“ (Matthew 5:37 NIV)
My heavenly Father created so many “but God” moments in my life before, and he’s still creating them now.
Every so often, it’s good to stop and look at how far you’ve come with God’s help. It’s good to track the “but God” moments in your life, to see how God has blessed you again and again. Tweet This
He orchestrated quite a few “but God” moments in past Christmas seasons:
- We felt strung out from so many places to go…but God showed us how less is more.
- Our families criticized and rejected us for saying no…but God strengthened and blessed our family of five.
- We were hyper-focused on family Christmas celebrations…but God opened a door for worship.
If it wasn’t for the “but God” changes, I’d feel even more overwhelmed than I do now. Unhappy. Frustrated. Trapped. Living a life that would look altogether different, and far more negative, than it does today.
Consider what “but God” moments are in store for you ahead.
The phrase “but God” gives me hope for moving forward. Tweet This
I’ll be able to look back on my current season someday and realize that the “but God” dynamic was already in motion. Now, I’m praying for my eyes to be opened to “but God” moments in the upcoming months.
I want to declare these statements as the new year begins:
- Seasonal affective disorder accosted me with the time change…but God gave me strategies to overcome.
- Another extended-family Christmas felt unsteady…but God granted me fresh hope.
- Direction for the future seemed unclear…but God lit up my path at just the right time.
The “but God” moments, both past and current, are propelling me through the busy Christmas season with greater peace.
Questions for you:
1. How has the “but God” phrase indicated transformation in your past?
2. How do you think the “but God” dynamic is already in motion in your current struggles?
3. How does the “but God” idea help you find peace for the upcoming busy season?
Sarah Geringer writes about Finding Peace in God’s Word at and is the author of three books, including Christmas Peace for Busy Moms. Visit her blog today to enter her 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!
Sarah lives in her beloved home state of Missouri with her husband and three children.
Follow Sarah on Facebook , Twitter, Pinterest, and Goodreads.
Be sure to join us back here next week as we welcome Misty Phillip to the “But God” series. Can’t wait to share her inspiring words with you. ♥
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Bev @ Walking Well With God says
Thank you so much for sharing parts of your life that speak greatly about God’s redemption. I have had to go through many emotional trials as well in life and God has showed up in a mighty way. Had it not been for “But, God” I might not be here to speak of His goodness. He rescues us from the pit and puts our feet on a firm rock.
Bev xx
Bev @ Walking Well With God recently posted…Practice In The Small Stuff
Sarah Geringer says
Bev, on your blog I’ve become familiar with some of your trials too. But God’s redemption shows powerfully in your story as well as mine. We are going to hear some wonderful “but, God” stories on Brenda’s series this month! Blessings to you!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
KellyRBaker says
How fun to find you here, Sarah! I am so grateful for the fact that I can go to the source of life and peace any second of the day. It’s simple, really. I just get alone for a moment (or close my eyes for a moment if I’m not alone) and pause to connect with God. I think about one of His promises and He’s there. His peace begins to fill. Meditating on the promises of God usually does it. If not then I start praying or declaring. 🙂
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Kelly! I meditate on God’s Word too when I get alone time. Usually that happens in the car, going back and forth from my children’s school. I’m also grateful I can go straight to God anytime of day or night. He’s been hearing from me at odd hours lately while I battle insomnia. Blessings to you!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Sarah Geringer says
Brenda, thank you for making my post look lovely. I am remembering our sweet, brief time together at She Speaks today, and thanking God for you, friend!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Brenda says
Sarah, your words shine. Thank you for sharing them here today. Love you, friend. ♥
Liz says
Yes!! All those “But God…” moments become the #memories that keep up moving forward in faith! Beautifully encouraging words, Sarah! Blessings to you and Brenda!
Liz recently posted…Word Nerd Wednesday – Extol
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Liz! So glad you found this post encouraging!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Michele Morin says
What a treat to find two friends in this space today!
Thanks, Brenda, for packaging up Sarah’s beautiful words, and it’s an incredible insight to view my celebration of the biggest “But God” in history through the lens of how “But God” can change the way I live.
Blessings to you both!
Michele Morin recently posted…The Necessary Work of the World: Jayber Crow Discussion Group (9)
Sarah Geringer says
Blessings to you too, Michele!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Lisa/Syncopated Mama says
It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with thinking about past struggles, but this reminder helps me look past them to focus on what God was doing through them!
Lisa/Syncopated Mama recently posted…Latticed Learning – Bugs
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Lisa! Thankful for your comment today!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Meghan says
Sarah, this is such a hope-filled message of redemption in the everyday stuff, thank you. You always amaze me with your creativity too. Thank you for sharing these scriptures with us. There are many points here I understand from experience. God bless ya friend.
Meghan recently posted…When A Bookworm Travels Back In Time
Sarah Geringer says
You amaze me too, friend! Thank you so much for your kind words.
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Diana says
Sarah, you are my soul sister through this blog. I have experienced physical ,sexual, emotional and verbal abuse as a child and it left me wounded sore. BUT GoD oh,Halleyulah,but God held me close , never left my side , and restored me spiritually.
This is the first time I am even saying it out loud
Praise the Lord for sisters who have experienced “But GOD”
Sarah Geringer says
Diana, I’m humbled that you think of me as a soul sister. You certainly suffered more than I did (only emotional and verbal abuse for me). Yet I see God’s glory shining through you in your posts. Blessings to you as well!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Linda Stoll says
You’re strong and courageous, Diana!
Linda Stoll recently posted…On Making Excuses, the Joys of Cozy + My Blueberry Scone Recipe
Brenda says
Agreed! (((Diana))) May the Lord bless your Spirit today, sweet friend. ♥
Diana says
I love linking here all the time,Brenda!!! Thank you for the love
Diana says
Thank you for the support ,Linda! The joy of the Lord is our strength no matter what
Leslie says
Sarah, wow! Thank you for this! It makes me think of all my own “but God” moments and there’s encouragement in there for me today for sure because I need a particular “but God” moment right now. Thank you for reminding me how faithful He is!
Leslie says
Brenda, thank you so much for sharing Sarah with us today!!
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Leslie! I was thinking about you last night when I created some printables for my new series. I’m going to try to do that with every Thursday post now. You always inspire me, friend!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Kristi Woods says
Hi Sarah! Good to see you and read your words of encouragement. Funny, but I often tag “But God…” with those “big” situations in life that only a move of His could answer. You know – like parting the Red Sea. Your words shed light to more. And for that, I’m glad. I’m chewing on it today. Thank you, my friend. Have a beautiful day. Brenda, thanks so much for sharing your space. xo
Kristi Woods recently posted…Are Widows on Our Radar? {Download Free Stationery}
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Kristi–God has parted some Red Seas in my life, and I am hugely thankful for those moments. The more often I thank him for the little moments, the more I take awe in how he acted in the big moments too. Blessings to you!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Rachel Lee says
Blessed, beautiful words. Thank you, ladies, for sharing with us today!
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Rachel! Glad to see you again, and I’m heading to your site right now!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Linda Stoll says
He’s waiting so patiently for us to claim the victories instead of staying stuck in the challenges. Thanks for the gentle nudge to continuously acknowledge His loving activity on our behalf, Sarah …
Thanks to you, too, Brenda!
Linda Stoll recently posted…On Making Excuses, the Joys of Cozy + My Blueberry Scone Recipe
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Linda…I’m headed to your site to check out your yummy scone recipe!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Lisa notes says
I love the “But God” statements, Sarah. This is one I want to hold on to as well: “Direction for the future seemed unclear…but God lit up my path at just the right time.” Thanks!
Lisa notes recently posted…Links, Books, and Things I Love – November 2017
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Lisa. Psalm 119:105 is the verse I chose for my confirmation verse when I was 13 years old. It still helps me so much today, and I wrote that sentence based on the verse. Blessings to you!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Sherry Stahl says
Brenda and Sarah,
Today’s post was a beautiful reminder of what my life would be like…BUT GOD!!!! Thanks for sharing your story with us Sarah and thank you Brenda for giving her the platform. These ‘cyber girlfriends’ of mine sure are an amazing bunch and I’m glad when I get to hear your stories.
Keep making a difference girls. Praying for you both 🙂
~Sherry Stahl
Sherry Stahl recently posted…500 Years of Freedom {Through Grace}
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Sherry, I love being one of your cyber girfriends! Thank you for the prayers–you are a blessing!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Gretchen Fleming says
Brenda what a treat to read this post today as we enter November and begin to contemplate the holidays. It already gives me a sense of calm as my mind had started to swirl with activity ?♀️
Sarah, my goodness what beautiful post. I love hearing people’s stories because then I know them better as I read their work. Context adds such a layer of beauty to each woman blogging. Thank you for your testimony. I can relate and even use one of the verses you mention as my weapon in the warfare. Well done my friend??
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Gretchen! So glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for your kind compliment. I agree–knowing each blogger’s context helps me understand their viewpoint better, and I treasure them even more. Blessings to you!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Debbie Putman says
I love how you show me how to change my fear and pain into peace and joy by focusing on what God does for me. As always, practical wisdom that encourages me.
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Debbie! Thank you so much for your visit. I enjoyed your posts in the 31 Days of Writing in October, and I look forward to reading more of your posts in November too.
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Maree Dee says
Sarah, What wise words. I agree we need to keep track of our “But God” moments and share them with ourselves and others. You inspired me to change my thoughts about the upcoming holidays. They will be different this year but then again they have been that way for the last 11 years and you know what God was there. I was amazed at how similar some of our “But God” moments were. I too used used to struggle with “no” and “yes.”
Sarah Geringer says
Hi Maree! I’m so glad God used my post to change your holiday perspective. I hope you’ll visit my site for a chance to win one of 12 books. Blessings to you, friend!
Sarah Geringer recently posted…Trading Anxiety for Peace, Part 1 {Huge Giveaway!}
Betsy de Cruz says
Sarah, thanks for sharing your beautiful “but God” testimonies here. This really does give me some hope for the next two months. But God WILL be with me.
Charla says
Brenda and Sarah, I count myself blessed in many ways. Our paths crossing are two! I am excited about this series, Brenda!
““But God” is the phrase that marks the transformation in all my life stories.” True. Great insight, Sarah.
In response to your questions:
“But God” indicated a transformation in my past by way of an about-face. One example is, I thought life was not worth living, but God gave me His Word, which helped me breathe hope into my withered lungs.
I believe the “But God” dynamic is in motion in my current struggles because His involvement has overwhelmed me with strength when I thought I could not fulfill another need.
The “But God” idea helps me find peace for the upcoming busy season by choosing well. Our culture says, “You have to do this and that and in this way.” But God says, “My yoke is easy…My burden is light.”
I can’t think of one time I did not prefer His Way! Thank you for this reminder, ladies!!
Denise Pass says
Beautifully spoke, Sarah! Such a sweet reminder to consider our “But God” moments and maybe even pause now to see what He is doing this very moment. Praying your holidays are peaceful!