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It’s a casual, pony-tail & sandals environment around here, but a few important reminders:
- Please remember to visit and leave some encouragement for other friends who’ve linked-up today — this is the heart of community & your words of support could be just the thing another friend needs to hear today.
- Please only share like-minded words of spiritual encouragement and insight.
- Please grab the #ChasingCommunity button, or link back here underneath your post. (So others can find us and join the fun too!)
- By linking up & leaving your email address you agree to receive #ChasingCommunity updates.
Thank you for bringing your dish to the table–May your ministry of words find community here.

Hi Brenda,
Was hoping to get the nod to be able to drive….but still healing and have two more weeks to go….ugh!! 2 months of being cooped up and I really have a bad case of cabin fever. It’s given me time to be in God’s Word and do some writing….and of course work with RCF, Inc. Can’t thank you enough for all the yummy meals you provided!! What a godsend!! I should be out of the boot (hopefully) by the conference but may have a cane and be in sneakers – how fashionable. You sure you want to be seen with me?? LOL.
Love and ((hugs)),
Bev @ Walking Well With God recently posted…Oh To Be On Fire – Take #2
I’d have some serious cabin fever, too! Even walmart might look appealing after spending eight weeks in the house. 🙂 ((hug)) Glad to hear they’re being cautious and making sure everything heals well this time, though. Glad the meals have been helpful. 🙂 I’m sure you won’t be the only one at SS with a cane and/or sneakers. 🙂 Grace abounds in those halls, so you’ll be just fine. 🙂 ((hug))
These weekly quotes are wonderful! Thanks for the effort you invest in making this a welcoming place to gather!
Michele Morin recently posted…The Familiar Glories
Glad you’re enjoying them, Michele. Thank you for being such a faithful part of the community here, and the writing community at large. You’re a blessing to so many. ((xoxo))
Brenda, thanks so much for hosting each week. Hope you’re getting some of that relaxing pony-tail kind of time this summer!
Donna Reidland recently posted…“Drip, Drip, Drip” June 22
Thank you for being here and sharing each week, Donna. Have loved connecting with you. I’m doing my best to rest. Trying to re-learn what it means to rest, but God’s meeting me here with grace. Thank you for asking, and I pray you’re having a restful season as well. ((xoxo))
That is such a powerful quote! Loved it!
Joanne Viola recently posted…The Staying Power We Need
Isn’t it, Joanne. So thankful to be a part of the collective light of ministry in community. Thankful for you, friend. ((xoxo))
Brenda- thanks so much for hosting! I hope you’re enjoying your summer!
Love the quote too:)
Julie recently posted…The Best Prayer When You are Worried
Hope you’re having a great summer too, friend. ((xoxo))
Brenda – Thank you for hosting the link-up. I loved the quote you shared from Jen. I reposted it on Facebook.
Hoping you have a spectacular weekend. Maree
Maree Dee recently posted…10 Clues You’re Striving For Perfection, Not Excellence
Thank you, Maree. Hope your weekend was great as well. 🙂 ((hug))
Always love stopping by here at the end of the week, Brenda. I hope your weekend brings smiles and laughter …
Linda Stoll recently posted…The Rare Gift of Being Fully Present
Always great too see you, Linda. Hope your weekend was beautiful, friend. ((hug))
LOVE your graphic and quote here, friend. Blessings on your summer.
Betsy de Cruz recently posted…How to Be a More Beautiful Person
Summer blessings to you, too, friend. ((xoxo))
Hi Brenda,
I am one of your COMPEL sisters. I LOVE your site! The Thursday link-up is such a gift. What a wonderful source of encouragement and that ever-elusive treasure, community.
Thank you for sharing your creative genius and beauty with the world!