To the one who feels overwhelmed and inadequate—I see you.
To the one so swallowed up by the have-to’s, she barely has time for the want-to’s—I see you.
To the one who lost her keys and fed her kids animal crackers for breakfast this morning—I see you.
To the one who feels left out and wonders why not her—I see you.
To the one who took a wrong turn in Laundry Land and can’t find her way back—I see you.
To the one who sits alone at lunch—I see you.
To the one who sits with the group, yet feels like a fraud—I see you.
To the one with an impossibly distant dream in her heart—I see you.
To the one who aches for 2 pink lines, yet sits with empty arms—I see you.
To the one who longs to make a difference, yet doesn’t know where to begin—I see you.
To the one who served cereal for supper for the second time this week—I see you.
To the one who doesn’t recognize the face in the mirror—I see you.
To the one who makes her bed while counting the hours until she can flop back in it—I see you.
To the one who feels: Overlooked. Forgotten. Judged. Misjudged. Rejected—I see you.
To the sweet sister who wonders if she matters—I see you.
To the one so used to being hurt, she’s afraid to try again—I see you.
To the one who wakes each morning praying for strength to make it through another day—I see you.
To the one who left the get-together last week feeling unnoticed—I see you.
To the one who wasn’t even invited—I see you.
To the one who spent 10 minutes in her closet looking for something that fits—I see you.
To the one who reaches out, waiting for someone to reach back—I see you.
To the sister who feels like she’s the only one, I see you—and you are not alone.
Friend, you are me. And I am you.
Let’s be honest, while seemingly put-together on the outside, don’t we all feel like a mess on the inside some days?
And, don’t we just need to know we’re seen?
Right in the middle of our mess. Seen. Acknowledged. Noticed.
And friend, isn’t it altogether too easy to forget that:
Grace walks beside us and Hope walks before us and Truth walks behind us and Peace covers us.Tweet This
How is it that we can so easily dismiss the presence of Him who–can’t not know–can’t not see–can’t not love?
He saw our reflection before we ever stepped up to the mirror.
He hand-placed that dream in our hearts.
He saw the pain coming before we experienced it.
The lost keys were never hidden from His eye.
He knew before we knew.
He smiled before we smiled.
He cried before cried.
He loved before we loved.
You see, the glory’s all intermingled with the mess, isn’t it?
This earthly walk is fragile and sweet and rough and relentless and—seen.
Seen by the One who knows well and loves well and whose strength carries us morning to morning.
Oh, for the grace to see as He sees.
For I am you and you are me.
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="250" /></a>
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- Please remember to visit and leave some encouragement for the friend linked before you–and others as you’re able.
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Hello Brenda, I’m grateful God sees me! No matter the state we are in, He never leaves neither will He forsake us.
Much Blessings to you
I am too, friend. ((blessings back at ya)) <3
I needed these beautiful words you wrote this morning. Sitting here on my sofa, heading into my third week recuperating, alone a lot of the time, I forget that He sees me and He’s right here with me. I’ve had a rough few days, but your words are a comfort, truly. Even if the outside world doesn’t see or notice, or even care for that matter – He does. He sees me and He loves me and that makes my heart full. Thank you!!
Bev xoxo
ps. Still eating on and enjoying the wonderful meals you prepared. May you be richly blessed for your kindness and for “seeing” others!!
Bev @ Walking Well With God recently posted…The Blessing Season
Three weeks in, three weeks to go! 🙂 I’m sorry you’ve had a rough few days. ((hug)) I pray you recover fully and comfortably. — He’s so good at making “hearts full,” isn’t He? Thank you for sharing, Bev. And, so glad the meals have been helpful. ((xoxo))
So beautiful and encouraging! He sees me, right here in my MESS!! The God who created heaven and earth sees little old me, and He loves me. No matter how MESSY I am. Because when He sees me, He sees His perfect Son. Blessings, friend! XO
Liz recently posted…Word Nerd Wednesday – Beatitudes
Comforting to know the mess isn’t a deterrent for Him, isn’t it, Liz? Thankful for the Son who bridged the gap between the mess and God. ((hug))
What beautiful encouragement, Brenda. I’ve been thinking lately a lot about Psalm 139. Yes, let’s walk together. With HIM. 🙂
Betsy de Cruz recently posted…7 Important Scriptures You Want Your Teens to Know
I’d love to know what your thoughts have been on Psalm 139, Betsy. 🙂 Such a beautiful passage. Thanks for sharing, friend. ((hug))
What grabs me most right now is that we can’t go anywhere outside of His presence. Nor can our kids. ) He is EVERYWHERE.
Betsy de Cruz recently posted…7 Important Scriptures You Want Your Teens to Know
Beautiful comfort, Betsy. The gift of His presence is beyond wonder. Everywhere. Amen. Thank you, Lord. — Thanks for sharing that, Betsy. ((hug))
Seen, loved, cherished, held.
What a wonderful Saviour!
Amen, Linda. Words fall short in light of the wonder.
Thanks for sharing, friend. ((hug))
Thank you for this encouragement. It is reassuring to remember that God sees us. So true that “the glory’s all intermingled with the mess.”
Lesley recently posted…Whispers Of Rest
Such a comforting reassurance that His faithful eye is always upon us, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing, Leslie. ((hug))
“He saw our reflection before we ever stepped up to the mirror.”
What a beautiful sentence, and what beautiful truth. And as I write, it’s occurring to me that He i s the One with the clearer view since we all still “see in a mirror dimly.”
Looking forward to the days of face to face.
Michele Morin recently posted…Martin Luther in His Own Words
So true, Michele. There will be a day when we see as we’re seen. Can’t really comprehend that, but I believe. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, friend. ((hug))
This is such a beautiful post – may be my favorite one of yours thus far 🙂 So good to be reminded of Hagar’s words, “You are the God who sees me.” I am so grateful He sees each one of us and infuses us with His strength to carry on. Blessings to you!
Joanne Viola recently posted…In the Night of Our Soul
Thank you for bringing up Hagar’s words, I hadn’t even considered that when I wrote this. Love that. Thank you for your sweet encouragement, friend. ((hug))
You are such an encourager – life is messy but grace picks up the pieces.
Paris Renae recently posted……And In The Quiet
“Grace picks up the pieces.” — Yes He does. Lovely sentiment, thank you for sharing, friend. ((hug))
Your poem is so beautiful and we are all the same. So grateful for friends who don’t want you to feel you have to ‘make yourself presentable’ with 🙂 Praying this poem blesses hearts and encourages girls to not give up in well-doing, but to KNOW they’re seen and loved. Praying you sense God’s looking on you with love and approval. You are His voice extended through the written word in wonderful ways.
Be Blessed & Refreshed,
~Sherry Stahl
Sherry Stahl recently posted…Saying The Right Thing
Such sweet words of encouragement, friend. Thank you. ((xoxo))
Brenda, this post met me right where I’m at today. So beautiful and encouraging. Thank you, friend. xoxo
Abby McDonald recently posted…When We Lose Our Faith in Humanity
Your post and mine were drinking the same water this week, weren’t they? 🙂 Thank you for this sweet encouragement today, friend. My heart needed it. ((xoxo))
Brenda, This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you. ?
Leslie, bless you for your sweet encouragement. ((xoxo))
Brenda, I doubt there is one of us who couldn’t relate and see ourselves in your list. Thanks for the sweet reminder that we are seen!
Donna Reidland recently posted…“God’s Love for Unborn Babies & Their Parents” May 25
I’m relating right there with you, Donna. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your sweet encouragement. ((hug))
What a blessing to know that we are seen! Some days that is all that we need to know. Thanks for sharing this so beautifully, Brenda.
Agreed, Lisa. Love it when he whispers those reminders into my hectic chaos. Life might stay crazy, but my spirit lightens. 🙂 Great to connect with you, Lisa. Thanks for being here and for sharing your sweet encouragement. ((hug))
Like others, I’m sure, I can relate to so many of those statements. Thank you for reminding us that He sees us and loves us in our mess.
Kelli LaFram recently posted…Train Up Your Children in the Way they Should Go :: Quietly Through Thursday (Plus LinkUp)
Thanks for relating, Kelli and for being a sweet encouragement. Have enjoyed connecting with you. ((xoxo))
Thank you for this reminder today! I’m so glad He sees me.
Have a great weekend, Brenda!
Julie recently posted…How to Minimize Anxiety with a Simple, Successful Hack
Yes, to have the grace to see as He sees. That’s what I want, too.
I’m so glad that our Lord is the God who sees and cares and can!
“You see, the glory’s all intermingled with the mess, isn’t it?” Oh, Brenda…such truth. When I am reminded I am not alone, when there are, “me too’s” wrapped around me I can move forward. Satan lives to pour on the lies of aloneness. Beautiful truths and reminders. Thank you, Brenda.
Brenda – I see you! I love that reminder. Wish I was on Twitter – these words rang so true. -“Grace walks beside us and Hope walks before us and Truth walks behind us and Peace covers us.” Maree
Maree Dee recently posted…Running The Race Of Life Like A Marathoner