Welcome back, friends.
What a fun month it’s been connecting with you all. Thank you for sharing your words at this table.
Guess what? Remember those monthly drawings?
Everyone who linked-up with #ChasingCommunity during the month of January was automatically entered into a drawing for a sweet gift.
And what a sweet gift it is. I’m excited to share (In)Courage’s brand new (and first!) book with one of our sweet sisters here. I wish I could order a case of them and ship one to each of you, because—what a darling book! Feminine and elegant, graceful and practical, honest and trustworthy—this book doesn’t disappoint.
The winner (blindly selected at random) is — Lois Flowers! — Congratulations Lois!! I pray that Craving Connection is a blessing to you. Thank you for being a part of Chasing Community.
And, good news! Today starts the cycle all over. Everyone who links up in February will be automatically entered to win another fun little gift. Yay!
Thank you for being a part of this new community—because ministry is always more fun with friends.
<a href="http://brendabradfordottinger.com/chasing-community/"><img src="http://brendabradfordottinger.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/cc-image-button.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></a>
It’s a pony-tail and sandals environment around here. No fancy rules, just a few things:
- Family-friendly posts only, please.
- Please visit and comment on the post linked before yours–and others as you’re able.
- Please grab the #ChasingCommunity button, or link back here underneath your post. (So others can find us and join the fun too!)
Thank you for bringing your dish to the table–May your ministry of words find community here.

This linkup is now closed, but we’ll meet you back here next Thursday for another #ChasingCommunity!
Looks like we’re both on the same “Craving Community” wavelength. I’m encouraging my readers to join in at over at (in)courage for the 5 weeks of challenges starting Feb. 7th. Would be great to invite our link up crew here as well!! The more the merrier!!
Blessings and hugs,
Bev xo
Bev @ Walking Well With God recently posted…Are You Craving Connection? (Plus Giveaway!)
That is a good idea, Bev! I haven’t even clicked over to see what all is involved in that yet. Not sure if I’ll have the margin to commit to a lot right now, depends on how heavy the involvement would be. 🙂 I saw you were giving away a copy this week, too! It’s a fun book to give away, isn’t it? (And, such a pretty book.) Thanks for sharing, friend. xoxo
Sounds like a great book. Thanks for all you do in hosting the link up.
((Hug)) Thanks for being a part of this new community, Lesley. Have enjoyed connecting with you. 🙂
Yay, Lois! I just love that girl …
Linda Stoll recently posted…Smitten Over These Sweet Mid-Winter Lifesavers
Awww … thanks, Linda! <3
Lois Flowers recently posted…God’s Timing is Astonishing
Love your heart, Linda. xoxo
Wow .. I’ve never won anything at a blog before! What a great way to start off my day. 🙂 Thanks, Brenda!
Well, it was your turn then. 🙂 So happy to be able to able to share this lovely book with you. Hope you love it. 🙂 Thanks for being part of Chasing Community, Lois! ((hug))
Congratulations, Lois, and thanks Brenda for all the energy you put into this friendly place!
Michele Morin recently posted…Till We Have Faces (5): Why Should Our Hearts Not Dance?
<3 xoxo
Congrats Lois! Thanks for all the fun Brenda 🙂
~Sherry Stahl
Sherry Stahl recently posted…{New Series} All Things New
Thanks for being a part of the fun, Sherry. ((hug))
So happy for Lois! Thank you for all you do to gather us here each week!
Joanne Viola recently posted…Fan the Flame
((hug)) Thanks for being here, Joanne. <3
Hi Brenda,
Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving such a nice comment. I’m a southern lady too and I felt your warm, welcoming spirit hop right off the screen at me. I’ll subscribing to your blog so I don’t miss your posts! Happy Ground Hog day!
Linda, so nice to meet you. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. I look forward to connecting with you. 🙂 ((hug))
Looks like a great book! Thanks for such a welcoming community!
Julie recently posted…Why We Need Date Nights When We’re Married
Thanks for being a faithful part of this community, Julie. Have enjoyed connecting with you. 🙂 ((hug))
I hope your February’s gotten off to a great start!
Lisa/Syncopated Mama recently posted…Have You Roe’d Yet? (free giveaway!)
Likewise, Lisa! 🙂
What a beautiful community you have here, Brenda. Thank you for sharing your linkup! Oh, and Craving Connection looks like a gem. It’s on my list to check out. (which is constantly expanding. 😉 )
You too? My books-to-read list gets longer by the day, too. 🙂 I suppose there are worse problems to have. 🙂 Thanks for your sweet words, Abby. Love your encouraging heart. ((xoxo))
Oh Yay! Lois!!! I clapped when I saw her name come up, she’s a dear blogging buddy 🙂 And Brenda, you’re creating such an inspiring community here… drinking in all the good words being shared… and this book is definitely on my list now!
Christine Duncan recently posted…Let Me Be Real
((Christine)) Thank you for this sweet encouragement, and thank you for being a part of this new little community. Has been great to connect with you. 🙂 xoxo
Congrats to Lois…I know her from blogging 🙂 And thanks for visiting my blog, too 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Dolly. Nice to meet you in the blogosphere this week. 🙂 ((blessings))
This sounds like a great book, Brenda. And how very sweet of you to offer a giveaway to those who link up. I missed it this time but hope to visit again soon.
Blessings and sparkles!
Marva | SunSparkleShine recently posted…When You Want to Overcome the Friendship Crisis {Introducing the Sparkle Circle}
Would love to have you join the fun, Marva. Enjoyed your interview with our friend, Horace. 🙂 Love the fun name of your site. 🙂 Great to connect with you. ((blessings))
What a neat idea!!! I followed you over here from the comment you left on my blog. 🙂
I”m trying to track down an email address for you so that I can reply. I clicked on your email button, but the address isn’t complete. Can you help?
Hi Victoria, nice to see you. 🙂 Thank you for letting me know about the email address. Not sure how that happened, but I think I’ve fixed it. Let me know if you have any further problems with it. Thanks for visiting, nice to connect with you. 🙂