Everywhere I turn, I see it.
My compassion can barely stand itself.
Have you noticed it too, friend?
A tide of trouble beats against the shores of my heart, begging a prayer or two or ten.
It sometimes feels like more than a heart was made to hold.
We want life and health and peace for our family and friends and—selves.
And by want I mean crave.
I was flipping through my Bible this morning, eyes catching on years of scribbly ink underlining generations of ancient truths.
Verse upon verse upon verse…
Underscored reminders of His heart,
His compassion,
His tender nature.
Sacred pages, alive with precedent.
Perfect examples of a heart beating wildly with compassion for a world in pain.
Oh, to walk in His shadow.
To share in the suffering of His compassion,
Not suppressing its pain but rather demanding that it rise on up.
Refusing the temptation to cross to the other side of the street and look away.
Compassion has a cost. A debt to the heart. A spirit-cry. Tweet This
And, I’m ashamed to admit that there are times I wonder if compassion is a gift or a curse.
Anyone else?
But then I remember it’s neither.
It’s a reward.
Because it’s the Christ-in-us that bleeds compassion before we even realize we’re cut.
We hurt for others because we’re heirs with Christ—it’s what we do.
And, I kinda think these are the glory days of hope.
For we have this confidence :
There will be another day.
A day when pain is without definition.
Because it won’t exist.
So, let us show up with compassion like a Southern Baptist shows up with a casserole.
Now’s not the time to protect our hearts. Tweet This
Now’s the time to break out our big girl pants and rise on up.
Because, this much I know…
There will be another day.
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This is absolutely beautiful!! I have wondered whether my uber-compassionate heart was a blessing or a curse. It hurts (literally) to care about others so much. I love how you say that it is a reward. If we are heirs with Christ then, we too, will share in His suffering. And who is there that is more compassionate than Christ? Beautiful my friend! So sorry we couldn’t meet up this week…let’s reschedule soon!
Bev xoxo
We sure tried, didn’t we? 🙂 Sometimes the days just don’t align. 🙂 Will definitely reschedule soon. What’s your week look like next week? ♥
Our suffering unites us with him. I have been burdened lately by the sheer number of prayers I need to pray, so your words here were salve to sooth my soul. Thank you, friend!
((Hug)) I understand that burden, friend. ♥
Beautifully worded, Brenda. May our hearts remain broken for the things that break His heart. May we remain tender, for truly these are the glory days – and a glorious day is coming. xo
Reminds of me that song, “What a day that will be.” 🙂 Glorious day, indeed, friend. Thank you. ♥
I agree, compassion can be hard. It is not easy to care for others in the midst of pain, especially when we can see so much pain and suffering around us. But yes, let’s keep loving, and holding onto the hope we have that one day there will be no more pain!
Holding onto hope…
Love the mental picture of that. Thanks for sharing these encouraging thoughts, Lesley. ♥
I’m right there with you, Brenda. Sensitivity (like compassion) is a gift, but it can feel heavy at times. I have to remind myself constantly that it’s the way God made me, and it’s how He wants me to be, so I shouldn’t wish it away. Praying God’s comfort for you, friend.
The way He made us. I like that viewpoint, Sarah. Praying those same prayers right back over you, this morning, friend. ♥
“Pages alive with precedent” and that Southern Baptist showing up with her casserole made this just a heart full of loveliness as I read, Brenda.
Thanks for your regular doses of encouragement here in this space!
Thank you for your encouragement, Michele. Always appreciate your regular offerings as well, friend. ♥
Dear Brenda,
These are such beautiful words, expressing so well how that heart of compassion can burn so deeply within us. Oh how I pray that I will let it “rise on up” and follow the path of our Lord! Thanks for such a great link-up here!
Burns within depths we can’t access in other ways, doesn’t it, Bettie? Thank you for your encouragement this morning. ((Hug)) ♥
I love your heart! It so beautifully comes out in your writing! Beautiful, just beautiful! <3
Your encouragement blesses my heart, friend. — P.S.) I saw where you’re gong to be at She Speaks in July and was so sad, because I think I’ll be at the September conference this year! Oh well, maybe we’ll cross paths another year! xoxo ♥
Like a Southern Baptist with a casserole. Oh, that made me giggle. Thank you for the charge today.
🙂 Great to see you today, Lauren. Thank you for being here and sharing. ♥
I hope you’ve been having a great week! Thanks for hosting!
Hope your week is great too, Lisa. 🙂
Yes, there will be another day, won’t there! And won’t it be grand … no more pain and suffering, no more tears. Your post made me remember the first time Phil. 3.10 came alive for me, ” that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.” As hard as it is, power comes as we share in His sufferings. Thanks for your powerful words!
“…Power comes as we share in His sufferings.” Beautiful insight, friend. Thank you for sharing. ♥
Yes! Couldn’t agree more. Loved every word of this!
And this quote- “So, let us show up with compassion like a Southern Baptist shows up with a casserole.” – well this just takes the cake!
Sharing for sure! 🙂
🙂 Thanks for your sweet encouragement, friend. xoxo ♥
This is very good, Brenda. Compassion is a reward. I’ve probably never thought of it exactly that way! Thanks for sharing your insights with us.
Our spiritual rewards don’t often look like we’d expect, do they, Lisa? Seems that’s how God likes to operate…making the humble things the greatest. 🙂 Thanks for being here and sharing, friend. ♥
Great encouragement! Sometimes I forget the sacredness of the words I am privileged to read. I forget the generations upon generations of wisdom wrapped in those paper thin pages. And today you reminded me. Thank you!
Those “paper thin pages” hold the keys to life, don’t they? It’s easy to forget that when living in a country where we can take our Bible-owning privilege for granted, isn’t it? Thanks for being here, friend. ♥
Brenda, we write on the same topic today! Loved your words here. Very comforting, especially that last line! Thank you!
Wonderful, I look forward to reading your post as well, Leslie. 🙂 ♥
Brenda ,
This post was absolutely beautiful! I will be sharing on my Facebook and Pinterest board. I want everyone to read this.
Your encouragement blesses me, sister. xoxo ♥
Brenda – I love your post and the line at the end about showing up like a Southern Baptist with a casserole totally had me laughing! I am not from the south, but my friends who are have talked about this a lot!!! Such a great picture of our need to always have compassion! I found you over at #DestinationInspriation we are neighbors- I had no idea you had a linkup but I am loving your community here and added you to my list of weekly must link up with! I also host a linkup on Thursdays – details below so you can delete if you feel it in appropriate, but I would absolutely love if you would consider linking up with me and then my linkup people can find you and your inspiration as well.
PS.. if you are looking for another place to link to on Thursday’s I would love if you would consider joining my new linkup #TuneInThursday – it opens Thursday 3am PST and runs through Sunday night. you can find it at debbiekitterman.com/blog (Please feel free to delete the link if you think it inappropriate).
Hey, Debbie. So glad you’ll be joining us here at #ChasingCommunity. I look forward to connecting with you. (And, to linking up with you when I’m able, as well. 🙂 ) ((hug))
Beautifully said Brenda, but I do have to let Him guard my heart with His peace, having compassion does take a toll and though proverbs says for us to guard it, we only can with His strength and rest. A spirit cry is what you called it, and it truly is. The Holy Spirit is so near to believers, And surely, if He is not weeping now, He wept for us on the cross.
Very true, Rebecca. Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts. 🙂
While I often feel as you describe here, sometimes I feel numb to everything as I’ve shut myself off to all of the hurt I see. Sometimes it’s just too much. Thank you for reminding me to not numb myself to the hurt in the world. Breakin’ out the big girl pants!
I know that feeling well, Amy. I’m right there with ya, learning to not shut myself off from it because it hurts too much to witness. Thanks for sharing and understanding. ♥
Oh yes. Companionship, empathy, ministry, faithfulness all come at great price.
But there is no other way to live out our lives, is there, friend. We are in good company with Him and with the encouragement of each other.
Bless you.
Amen, friend. No greater way, indeed. ♥
“Because it’s the Christ-in-us that bleeds compassion before we even realize we’re cut.”
Great perspective on truth, Brenda. To not rise up is to fall away. At least, that’s how I feel. Compassion is the core of the Gospel. There are those moments when I would rather…not. But, His Spirit rises up and I find I can’t not. You know? Praise God for another day, Brenda!